Eugenia Siegler, MD


Eugenia L. Siegler, MD is attending physician and medical director of geriatric inpatient services at the Weill Cornell Campus of the New York-Presbyterian Hospital. She is the Mason Adams Professor of Geriatric Medicine and Professor of Clinical Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College. Although primarily a hospital-based physician, she also sees outpatients at the medical college’s Irving Sherwood Wright Center on Aging and serves as geriatrics consultant to NYPH-Weill Cornell’s HIV practice, the Center for Special Studies.

In addition to geriatrics education, her scholarly interests focus on physician documentation in medical records and the care of people aging with HIV.

After receiving her undergraduate degree in Biochemical Sciences from Princeton University, Dr. Siegler obtained her M.D. from Johns Hopkins. She trained in Internal Medicine at Bellevue and New York University Hospitals, where she was intern, resident, and chief resident. Following residency, Dr. Siegler completed her fellowship in general internal medicine and geriatrics at the University of Pennsylvania.

Eugenia Siegler
Weill Cornell Medicine, New York City, United States