Gabriella Scarlatti, MD, PhD


Gabriella Scarlatti, MD, PhD, heads the Viral Evolution and Transmission Unit at the San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan. She has been Science Director of the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise, in New York, and Director of the Division of B cell and mucosal immunity of the Vaccine Research Institute, Paris, France. Her interest has included the study of the pathogenic mechanisms involved in mother-to-child transmission of the HIV-1 and pediatric HIV/AIDS. She has investigated the role of the intestinal mucosa in delivering the virus and cross-talking with submucosal cells to spread the infection. She initiated the project NeutNet, a consortium of laboratories throughout the world, dedicated to the standardisation of HIV neutralisation assays to be used in vaccine research and clinical trial. She coordinated the Humoral Immunity Platform of the EC funded “Network of Excellence-EUROPRISE”, involved in the study of humoral immune responses and the role in HIV pathogenesis. She was coordinator of the project NGIN “Next generation immunogens inducing broadly reactivity neutralising antibodies” And she joined the H2020 Project European AIDS Vaccine Initiative (EAVI) 2020, projects devoted to develop HIV-1 envelope immunogens that are aimed at eliciting high-titre and broadly Nab responses.

Gabriella Scarlatti
IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Italy