Gemma Torrell, MD


Gemma Torrell is a 15-year experienced family doctor working in a Primary Care Health Centre in the outskirts of Barcelona. She has a master’s degree in international health and Cooperation by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and is performing her PhD at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. She is tutor of medical residents since 2021 and professor of bioethics for residents in family medicine in Barcelona since 2020. She has been collaborating with the Long COVID Catalan patient group and has been involved in the making of Catalan Health Department Long COVID Guidelines and in many formative courses on Long COVID for health professionals. She has also collaborated with the World Health Organization bringing case-reports about how Spain and Catalonia have organised their health services to provide care to people with Long COVID and participating in an online technical briefing and a panel discussion at the 72nd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe on 12–14 September 2022, in Tel Aviv, Israel. She is leading a participatory study in Long COVID at the IDIAP Jordi Gol (Institut Universitari d’Investigació en Atenció Primària). Her interests in research are focused in primary care philosophy, narrative medicine, participatory research and of course, Long COVID.

Gemma Torrell
CAP Les Indianes, Spain