George Siberry, MD, PhD


George Siberry is a pediatric infectious disease physician and Medical Officer at the Maternal and Pediatric Infectious Disease Branch of NICHD, NIH, in Bethesda, Maryland (USA). He received his MD from the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) School of Medicine and MPH in International Health from the JHU School of Public Health.  He completed his pediatric residency and pediatric infectious disease fellowship at the JHU School of Medicine.  He joined the JHU faculty in 2003 as Director of the Harriet Lane Clinic and then moved to NIH in 2008. He is currently seconded to the State Department (S/GAC) as director of the PEPFAR technical unit on HIV care, treatment and TB, where he is responsible for helping provide technical direction and leadership on pediatric HIV in PEPFAR programs globally, predominantly in sub-Saharan Africa. He serves on the WHO HIV Guidelines committees and US pediatric ARV guidelines panel and he co-chairs the US Perinatal Guidelines and Pediatric Opportunistic Infections Guidelines Panels. Dr. Siberry co-authors pediatric HIV chapters in Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles & Practice of Infectious Diseases and Long, Pickering &Prober’s Principles & Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. He is Associate Chief Editor for the Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal for which he oversees the HIV Reports section. He has provided care to children and youth with HIV infection at the Johns Hopkins Hospital for over 20 years.

George Siberry
National Institute of Health, United States