Isabelle Jost


Isabelle Jost holds a Master’s degree in Political Science and Sociology from the University of Zurich, Switzerland. She currently works as a Programme Analyst in the Youth team of the UNFPA East and Southern Africa Regional Office. She supports the Safeguard Young People Programme, which is implemented in 12 countries in the East and Southern Africa region and aims at empowering adolescents and young people to protect themselves from STIs including HIV, early and unintended pregnancy, unsafe abortion, early marriage, gender-based violence and harmful cultural practices, while promoting gender-equitable norms.

Previously Isabelle worked for the UNFPA Country office in Zimbabwe, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), UN Women in Kosovo and IAMANEH, a Swiss NGO specialized in Gender and SRHR.

Isabelle Jost
UNFPA ESARO, South Africa