Javier Crespo, MD, PhD


Director of the Research group in Marqués de Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL-HUMV) and Head of the clinical group associated with CIBERehd (GVC16 / EHD / 4), a multidisciplinary and transversal group that includes biologists, biotechnologists, chemists, nurses, and physicians among its components. Stable research lines in viral hepatitis (more than 25 years, I began with my doctoral thesis I read in 1993) and NASH (I started in 2001 with the publication of an original manuscript in Hepatology), I was a translational research study. I have experience in the management of multi-center projects. At this moment, our group is part of: the core of the Spanish Registry of Metabolic Associated Liver Disease (HEPAMET), the CIBERehd, the European consortium LITMUS for the study of NASH, we participate in more than 20 international clinical trials phase II and III. Moreover, we are running several research projects. I have broad experience in clinical and translational research. I have participated in more than 75 clinical trials phases I to III in HCV, and HBV.  I have been granted with several R+D+I projects from public and private calls. I have given more than 100 presentations in national and international courses in liver diseases. I am an author in different guidelines and consensus in gastroenterology and hepatology. I have been a director and co-director in more than 20 national and international courses.

Javier Crespo
Marqués de Valdecilla Research Institute, Spain