Jessica Castilho, MD, MPH


Jessica Castilho, MD MPH is an assistant professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, TN, with a research focus on HIV and aging. Dr. Castilho received her Medical Degree and Masters in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University and completed her clinical training in internal medicine and infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Her research is currently funded by the National Institutes of Health. She uses epidemiologic and translational research methods to investigate aging-related outcomes in adults living with HIV, including local and national prospective and retrospective observational cohort studies. Dr. Castilho is also a key investigator in the multinational collaboration of the Caribbean, Central America, and South America Network for HIV epidemiology (CCASAnet). In Brazil, she has led multisite observational studies on non-communicable diseases through Coorte Brasil and collaborated with the Brazilian Ministry of Health on projects related to dolutegravir.

Jessica Castilho
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, United States