Jo Smith, MBChB, MRCP, MSc, DipGUM


Jo has been a Specialty Registrar in Genitourinary Medicine and HIV at the Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust, London UK, since 2019. They graduated from Liverpool Medical School in 2013, and worked a variety of foundation and core medical training jobs across Merseyside, London and south-east Scotland, before undertaking a Masters in Sexual Health and Reproduction from Queen Margaret University. 

They have conducted research into topics such as perceptions of HIV risk and PrEP acceptability in transgender and non-binary people, antiretroviral and gender-affirming hormone therapy drug interactions, and domestic and sexual violence in the LGBTQ+ community. 

They also provide peer and professional education on healthcare issues faced by the LGBTQ+ community as part of the Queerying the Curriculum collective, and head up a trans and non-binary clinicians’ mentoring network. 

Their work at Chelsea and Westminster includes provision of integrated HIV, reproductive and sexual health care to a hugely diverse cohort of patients. As a proudly out non-binary person, they understand the power and necessity of visible community representation and of patients’ integration into healthcare research and service design, in order to overcome the hurdles of discrimination and achieve health equity.

Smith, Jo 2022
Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom