John Ditekemena, MD, MHP, PhD


John Ditekemena, MD, MPH, PhD is a recognized leader among stakeholders in the health sector, building on nearly two decades of experience. A researcher and lecturer, with technical expertise in the field of diseases control including HIV/AIDS, TB, COVID 19 as well as Maternal Child Health.

John served as EGPAF DRC Country Director for about 10 years in the DRC, since 2010 where he built the EGPAF DRC program from down up.

In September 2019, John joined the EGPAF Cameroon team as Country Director for 2.5 years. In January 2022, Dr Ditekemena moved to FHI360 as the Country Director in the DRC for short period (7 months), and he rejoined EGPAF in August 2022 as Regional Director, supervising Central and Western Africa countries, including DRC, Cameroon, Cote D’Ivoir and Nigeria.

Prior that (2009-2010), he worked as Clinical Manager for the NIH EIDEA project, region 9 (Central Africa Region), where he supervised the implementation and monitoring of the project in 5 countries including DRC, Central African Republic (CAR), Rwanda, Burundi and Cameroun.

Dr Ditekemena conducted several research studies related to HIV, TB, MNCH, and COVID 19, with more than 48 peers reviewed published papers and others in pipeline. Also, he has been assigned as member of the WHO EMTCT Regional Validation Committee. Dr Ditekemena is associate professor from the University of Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Kinshasa School of Public health.

John Ditekemena
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, Democratic Republic of the Congo