John Robert Koethe, MD, MSCI, FIDSA


Dr. John Koethe is an Associate Professor in the Vanderbilt University Medical Center Division of Infectious Diseases, and a physician-scientist pursuing clinical and translational research on cardiovascular and metabolic diseases in persons with HIV. He leads several large studies to characterize the cardiometabolic health consequences of obesity among persons with HIV, factors influencing weight gain on antiretroviral therapy, and how HIV-related changes in adipose tissue promote glucose intolerance, dyslipidemias, and ectopic fat deposits in liver, heart, skeletal muscle and other organs. He is the Protocol Chair of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group study A5391 to assess the effects of an ART regimen change on weight loss. Dr. Koethe also has a strong commitment to the career development of junior investigators in the field of HIV. He is the Director of the Developmental Core of the Tennessee Center for AIDS Research, which is responsible for administering pilot grant awards and mentoring young investigators and those new to HIV research. Lastly, he is Program Director of the NHLBI-supported Vanderbilt Scholars in HIV and Heart, Lung, Blood, and Sleep Research (V-SCHoLARS, K12), which supports junior investigators studying the intersection of HIV and comorbid conditions.

Koethe, John Robert
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, USA