José Willemse, MSc


José Willemse is executive director of the Dutch Liver Patients Association, board member of Liver Patients International, umbrella organization for liver patient organizations, member of the management board of the European Reference Network Rare-Liver. Besides this, she is a member of several NAFLD/NASH related platforms

She has been active in the (international) field of NAFLD/NASH since 2014. One of the highlights is being one of the co-authors of the EASL guideline NAFLD from a patient perspective.

Besides her involvement in the world of NAFLD/NASH, she has 25 years of experience with the patient perspective in healthcare. She knows what a disease means to a patient, how it affects their live and how stigma can affect their wellbeing. Without realizing, a name of a disorder can play an essential role here as well.

Jose Willemse
Dutch Liver Patients Association, the Netherlands