Juan M. Pericàs, MD, MPH, PhD


Juan M Pericàs (MD, MPH, PhD) is a physician with training in liver disease, infectious disease, and public health. He is currently staff at the Liver Unit and team leader of the Liver, Metabolism and Infection (LivMI) group at Vall d’Hebron University Hospital-VHIR (Barcelona, Spain) and has collaborative appointments at the Infectious Diseases Service, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, and Johns Hopkins University-Pompeu Fabra University Public Policy Center. Before joining Vall d’Hebron, Dr Pericàs was chief of department and head of the research group (TRIDLE) of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at University Hospitals Arnau de Vilanova and Santa Maria, Lleida, Spain. Dr Pericàs also has experience in health systems organization and policy related to HCV micro-elimination and NAFLD mostly acquired as a Medical Research Fellow at the health systems research group led by Prof. Lazarus (ISGlobal, Barcelona). 

He is member of the Clinical Trial Working Group of the European University Hospital Alliance and has a leading role in the set up of an integrated research platform for conducting platform trials in NASH as a derivative of an IMI-2 funded project (EU-PEARL).

Dr Pericàs has authored over 200 scientific articles and 15 book chapters. His main interests include the impact of social determinants of health on infectious and liver diseases, the intersection between metabolic derangements and liver and infectious diseases, and endovascular infections including infections of transpercutaneous intrahepatic shunts (TIPS) and enterococcal infections. He has participated in numerous international projects and is currently PI of more than two dozen research projects and clinical trials. Among several other editorial roles, Dr Pericàs is member of Clinical Infectious Diseases Editorial Advisory Board and member of Clinical Microbiology and Infection Scientific Board.

Pericas,Juan M. 2023
The Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Spain