Kate T. Leyritana, MD


Dr. Leyritana completed her clinical and research fellowship on Infectious Diseases at UP-PGH, and currently is the medical director of SHIP Clinic and the SAIL Clinics, stand-alone HIV primary care clinics that focus on care of people living with HIV and sexual health. 

She is also a founding medical director of Sustained Health Initiatives of the Philippines, or SHIP, a non-profit organization that aims to bridge the gaps in HIV healthcare in the Philippines through capacity-building, linkage to care, innovation, and advocacy. SHIP is a local implementing partner of The Global Fund and PEPFAR in the Philippines for health service delivery and quality improvement.

She is an HIV physician who has dedicated her work to improve HIV care, while also lending a hand to HIV research, programs, and policy development. Her clinical and research interest revolves around HIV and health technology. She has contributed in WHO guidelines on Differentiated PrEP, the Philippine HIV law, and local clinical HIV guidelines.

Leyritana, Kate 2024
Sustained Health Initiatives of the Philippines (SHIP), Philippines