Laura Thuo, BA


Laura Thuo is a Kenyan-based journalist and HIV content creator with a BA in Communication, Electronic Media. She has a six-year tenure as a youth HIV advocate, representing adolescents and young people in numerous forums, championing for inclusion and engagement in HIV programming, and tailored solutions in HIV programming.  After a brief hiatus from the HIV field, Laura was inspired to curate content on her social media to educate and empower people living with HIV, specifically mothers to learn more about HIV fostering treatment literacy, while giving a lived experience on living with HIV, motherhood and family life content. Her success has been witnessed in a rapid growth and community building on her social media platforms, which has reached more that 8 million people globally in impressions within a span of six months of consistent posting. Laura has worked with global and local organizations including the International Community of Women living with HIV (ICW-Global), the National Empowerment Network for People living with HIV in Kenya (NEPHAK), the National Syndemic Disease control Council (NSDCC) among other partners working towards elimination of AIDS, and looks forward to a society free of HIV stigma and AIDS-related deaths

Emerging Leaders Foundation, Kenya