Linda Fried, MD, MPH


Linda Fried, MD, MPH serves as Dean of Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, since 2008. A geriatrician and epidemiologist, Dean Fried has dedicated her career to the extension of health span to match our increased life expectancy, how to accomplish healthy aging through prevention of frailty, disability and chronic diseases, and how to transition to a world of longer lives where greater longevity benefits people of all ages. Dean Fried has led seminal work defining frailty as a clinical syndrome, its causes, prevention, and potential approaches to treatment, and has collaborated on the interrelationship of frailty and HIV and multiple chronic diseases.

Dr. Fried has led, as Principal Investigator, a wide range of NIH-funded longitudinal cohort studies and controlled trials, including the Cardiovascular Health Study, the Women’s Health and Aging Studies and the Experience Corps and GEM trials. Prior to 2008, Dr. Fried was the Mason F. Lord Professor of Geriatric Medicine, the Director of the Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology and the Director of the Center on Aging and Health at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions.

The author of over 500 peer reviewed articles, Dr. Fried is the recipient of numerous honors and awards, including the 2012 Fondacion Ipsen Longevity Prize, 2011 and 2012 AMFAR Silver Scholar and Silver Innovator Awards, and the 2016 French national INSERM International Prize in Medical Research. Dr. Fried was named in 2014 as one of the 10% most influential scientific minds of the past decade by Thomson Reuters, and identified by the New York Times, in 2012, as one of 15 world leaders in science. Dr. Fried is an elected member of the US National Academy of Medicine, where she was also elected to the executive Council; of the Association of American Physicians where she served as President in 2016-17; and of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Linda Fried
Columbia University, New York, NY, United States