Maja Thiele, MD, PhD


Dr. Thiele is a Professor of Hepatology at the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Odense University Hospital and University of Southern Denmark. ORCID id:

Her work focuses on reducing morbidity and mortality from alcohol-related liver disease, for the benefit of an otherwise stigmatized patient group. Her research centers involves the development and validation of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers, with a particular focus on early disease detection, cost-effective referral pathways, and omics technologies.

Dr. Thiele is an elastography expert contributor to EASL Clinical Practice Guidance, the BAVENO VII consensus statement, AASLD clinical guidance, the WFUMB guideline, and The Lancet Commission on Liver Disease in Primary Care. She is a partner in the European research consortia GALAXY, LiverScreen, MicrobPredict, and SALVE.

Thiele,Maja Sofie 2023
Odense University Hospital / University of Southern Denmark, Denmark