Mesoma Andrea Igbokwe, MD


Mesoma Igbokwe is a medical doctor practicing in Nigeria with experience in both rural and urban areas. She was part of the first cohort of the 4YouthByYouth organization where her team implemented the pilot phase of the I-TEST (Innovative Tools to Expand Youth Friendly HIV Testing) project. Using Social Interventions, her team improved the uptake of HIV self-testing among young people aged 14 to 24 years in Enugu North Local Government Area.

She is currently a 4YouthByYouth ambassador and continues as a mentor and facilitator for subsequent cohorts of youth researchers. Mesoma is passionate about public health research and innovation in health service delivery.

Mesoma also enjoys creative writing, reading fiction and playing tennis.

Igbokwe, Mesoma 2023
4YouthByYouth, Nigeria