Mohammed Lamorde, FRCP, PhD


Dr. Mohammed Lamorde is Head of the Global Health Security Programme at the Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI). He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of London and he holds a doctorate degree from Trinity College Dublin. Dr. Lamorde’s work is focused on the medical management of infectious diseases in developing country context. He is the Director of the Global Health Security Partner Engagement Project in Uganda. Funded by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the project aims to accelerate Uganda’s progress towards achieving the Global Health Security Agenda targets to prevent, detect and respond to infectious diseases outbreaks and other biologic threats. Dr Lamorde is co-investigator on the Joint Mobile Emerging Diseases Intervention Clinical Capabilities (JMEDICC) consortium which aims to conduct clinical trials on investigational new drugs during filovirus outbreaks. He serves as project lead on national level projects to accelerate compliance with International Health Regulations.

Dr. Lamorde’s training as a clinical pharmacologist and physician serve as the foundation for his research, which since 2007 has focused on developing capacity in clinical pharmacology relevant to Global Health in Uganda. Between 2015 and 2019, he served as director of clinical services at the IDI overseeing the Adult Infectious Diseases Clinic at Mulago where 8000 patients with HIV receive clinical services.

Mohammed Lamorde
Infectious Diseases Institute, Makerere University College Of Health Sciences, Uganda, Africa