Mônica Jacques de Moraes, MD, PhD


Dr. Mônica Jacques de Moraes is an infectious diseases physician who has been working with HIV/AIDS  since the mid 90ties. She received her PhD from the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Dr. Jacques de Moraes runs the HIV/AIDS Unit at the University of Campinas - UNICAMP, São Paulo, Brazil, where she is a Consultant Physician/Lecturer and researcher. Dr Jacques de Moraes is an advisor on HIV and AIDS to the National Program for HIV, STIs, and Viral Hepatitis of the Brazilian Ministry of Health, where she is on the expert advisory group on HIV Treatment for Adults and on the HIV Resistance Working Group RENAGENO. She is a physician scientist with a keen interest in HIV drug resistance and HIV, aging and comorbidities.

Jacques de Moraes, Mônica 2022
UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil