Naeem Dalal, MD, BScHB, MBChB, Master of Medicine in Psychiatry, Master of Youth Mental Health


Naeem is a globally recognized mental health specialist deeply committed to advancing mental health policies and services. His focus spans grassroots initiatives to systemic improvements in preventive healthcare. His extensive experience as a mental health specialist in Zambia, including serving as a psychiatrist at the University Teaching Hospitals and chairing the Zambia Medical Association's Public Health Board, has positioned him as a key influencer in shaping the country's mental health strategies. His innovative approach to enhancing mental health and psychiatry services has earned recognition from both the global stage and Zambia's Ministry of Health.

Currently, Dr. Dalal is a crucial figure in the COVID-19 World Bank Health Systems Strengthening project implementing mental health strengthening efforts at Zambia National Public Health Institute. Dr. Dalal also provides high-level guidance to the Africa CDC, contributing significantly to shaping health policies for injuries, non-communicable diseases, and mental health across the African continent Furthermore, he serves as a board member for the Healthy Global Brain Initiative, an organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals facing neurological and mental health challenges. This initiative emphasizes collaboration and incorporating personal experiences, pioneering a novel global research model in these fields.

Beyond his professional roles, Dr. Dalal is an enthusiastic public speaker who leverages his platform to promote awareness in the public health sector. Through inclusive speeches, he shapes public perspectives and advocates for lifestyles that prioritize overall well-being.

Naeem Dalal, 2021
Zambia National Public Health Institute, Zambia