Natalia Sizova, PhD


Doctor of Medical Sciences

- 1981 -- graduated from the medical faculty of the Leningrad Sanitary and Hygienic Medical Institute.

- 1987 -- graduated from clinical residency in infectious diseases.

- engaged in dispensary observation and treatment of people living with HIV since 1993.

- 1996 -- awarded the highest qualification category in the field of infectious diseases"

- an Associate Professor at the Department of Socially Significant Infections of the Pavlov First State Medical University of St. Petersburg since 2013

- the Author of over 80 scientific papers, with over 30 years of work experience in the field.

- the executive secretary of the journal «ВИЧ-инфекция и иммуносупрессия» ("HIV Infection and Immunosuppression").

Sizova, Natalia, 2021
Saint-Petersburg AIDS Center, Russia