Natasha Davies, MD


Dr. Natasha Davies, an experienced HIV clinician, relocated from Scotland to South Africa in 2004, dedicating her expertise to the national ART program. As a senior clinician at Anova Health Institute, a USAID partner, she blends clinical, public health, and programmatic roles. Natasha's focus lies in ensuring quality and compassionate HIV treatment and prevention services for pregnant and breastfeeding women, especially those with advanced HIV or viral non-suppression. Actively engaged in national health initiatives, she contributes to various working groups and guideline committees, striving to enhance HIV care and PrEP accessibility for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Inspired during the 2023 Women and HIV workshop in Seattle, Natasha noted disparities in global messaging about feeding choices for parents living with HIV. Returning to South Africa, she led the establishment of an international forum, INFORM+, uniting clinicians, researchers, and activists from 15 countries. Their mission: filling information gaps, fostering research collaborations, and advocating for the decriminalization of breastfeeding. Natasha envisions this passionate group propelling safe, informed feeding choices for parents living with HIV worldwide.

Natasha Davies
Anova Health Institute, South Africa