Neda Ng


Miss Neda Ng, Programme Director of AIDS Concern, Hong Kong, is dedicated to fostering inclusive sexual healthcare environments for diverse communities, including LGBTQ+, ethnic minorities, heterosexual males, and PWHIV. To achieve this, she facilitates and provides community outreach, testing services, counseling, peer programs, casework, and collaboration with government bodies, NGOs, corporates, and community partners

As Director of My Place, a sexual health social enterprise powered by AIDS Concern, Miss Ng is aiming to provide universal access to holistic healthcare.Her team offers non-judgmental sexual health services such as STI check-ups, counseling, PrEP and PEP services, self-test kits, and sexuality education training

Previously, as Assistant Director of Mothers Choice, Miss Ng led the community outreach strategy, managed the Pregnant Girls Services program, conducted comprehensive youth sexuality education training, engaged stakeholders, and oversaw child protection. Her multifaceted roles reflect her commitment to advancing sexual health and education

Ng, Neda 2024
AIDS Concern, Hong Kong