Nontokozo Langwenya, MPH


Nontokozo Langwenya (eSwatini) is a co-Investigator for the HEY BABY study and an early carer researcher of the UKRI GCRF Accelerating Achievement for Africa’s Adolescents Hub. She is also a doctoral student at the University of Oxford, Department of Social Policy and Intervention.

Her research focuses on the epidemiology of sexual violence and Intimate Partner Violence among adolescents and young people, particularly adolescents living with HIV. This includes the health effects and risk factors of sexual violence, and interventions addressing sexual violence.

Together with a team from the University of  Cape Town,  she conducts analysis to identifying interventions that accelerate SDG achievement, including reproductive health, outcomes among African adolescents, as well as collaborates with UNICEF on best evidence to support the lives of adolescents and young people in the Eastern and Southern African region.

Nontokozo Langwenya
University of Oxford, United Kingdom