Pauline Oustric, PhD


Pauline Oustric, PhD is dedicated to improving the health and care of patients from two perspectives: as a researcher in nutrition and health prevention at INSERM/Centre Léon Bérard and as a president and co-founder of the ApresJ20 Covid Long France patient association.

Her career covers the major issues in nutrition, from field to fork, including eating behavior, obesity and patient involvement in research. She built her PhD using a psychobiological approach to get a better understanding of determinants that drive what and how much we eat at Leeds University (UK). She now works at the Centre Léon Bérard, to contribute to the scientific coordination of the CANCEPT transdisciplinary cancer primary prevention research network and more specifically working on developing participatory research in prevention.

 As a patient advocate in the last 3 years, she has co-founded the French Association #ApresJ20 which aims to promote recognition, care, research and communication on Covid Long by collaborating with various healthcare representative. #ApresJ20 is led by patients and develops resources and actions to improve the care of patients living with long Covid in France ( She is particularly involved as a patient advocate in the French Institutions to represent patients’ perspectives and to improve patient and public engagement. She is a member of the scientific board on Long covid at the French Health Authorities (HAS), at the Ministry of Health and Prevention and at the Coordinated Action for Long Covid by ANRS | MIE (National health agency| Emerging Infectious Diseases). She is also a co-facilitator of the Long Covid subgroup of the CHAIN (Contact, Help, Advice and Information) Network, UK . She is particularly interested in fostering the involvement of patients in research and has been coordinating several participatory research projects as part of #ApresJ20 association. 

Oustric, Pauline 2023
#ApresJ20 Association Covid Long France, INSERM/Centre Léon Bérard, France