Paulo Abrão Ferreira, MD, PhD


Degree in medicine from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (1991), medical residency in the discipline of infectology at the Federal University of São Paulo (1994), a master's degree in Infectology from the Federal University of São Paulo (2000) and a doctorate in Health Sciences from the Federal University of São Paulo (2013). Currently an assistant physician at the Federal University of São Paulo, coordinator of the HIV and viral hepatitis clinic (1994). Member of the technical advisory committee for the control of HIV infection and viral hepatitis of the Ministry of Health (2011). Advisor of the Graduate Program of the Discipline of Infectious Diseases EPM-UNIFESP (2017). Adjunct Professor of the Discipline of Infectology at UNIFESP (2018). Has experience in the field of Medicine, working mainly on the following topics: prevention, epidemiology, diagnosis, clinic and treatment of HIV/AIDS infection, viral hepatitis and co-infections/comorbidities; hepatic elastography.

Abrão Ferreira, Paulo Roberto 2023 Circle
Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil