PHIN, aged 32, has been living with perinatally acquired HIV and has been actively involved in the children and youth living with the HIV group since 2006. She is a talented artist, and her paintings have been consistently showcased in the Art Exhibition of Thai children and youth living with HIV since she was young.
After graduating with a Bachelor's degree, PHIN pursued a career in fashion design and is currently volunteering as a youth counselor at the Center of Excellence in Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Vaccines, Faculty of Medicine at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand. She provides valuable guidance on art activities for children in the pediatric and adolescent HIV clinic.
PHIN's journey has been marked by curiosity, family challenges, loss, and grief, as well as the search for effective ARV treatment. However, she has emerged stronger from these experiences, establishing her life, setting goals, and moving forward with determination. She is committed to sharing her wisdom and experiences with the younger generation, inspiring hope, and resilience in others facing similar circumstances.

Chulalongkorn University, Thailand