Precious Mazarura

A registered nurse with the following qualifications:

  • Diploma in General nursing
  • Certificate in Systemic family counseling
  • Degree in HIV AND AIDS management and community development
  • Focal person for adolescents and young people living with HIV
  • Seven years working with children, adolescent and young people living with HIV doing counselling, HIV testing, ART initiation and monitoring, offering PSS, Support group meeting.

Currently, stationed at Chitungwiza Central Hospital : Opportunistic Infections Clinic responsible for the following:

  • HIV related Counselling, HIV testing, ART initiation and viral load monitoring. CATS supervision. Conducting support group meetings
  • Engage in adherence counselling sessions with people living with HIV
  • Follow up of defaulters, those who interrupted treatment and linkage to Care
  • Data collection and report writing
Precious Mazazura
Chitungwiza Central Hospital, Zimbabwe