Quintin Andre van Staden, MD, MSc


Dr. Quintin Andre van Staden is a medical doctor with a passion for understanding the social aspects influencing access to TB care among adolescents living with HIV.

Dr. Quintin Andre van Staden completed his undergraduate degree at Stellenbosch University and thereafter pursued a Post Graduate Diploma in HIV/TB management from the University of Cape Town. While working at DP Marais TB hospital, one of South Africa’s largest TB hospitals, he became overwhelmed by the social aspects of TB care and decided to do a Master’s in Sociology at the University of Cape Town to explore this topic. He recently handed in his dissertation titled: Access to TB Testing among Adolescents Living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus in the Eastern Cape, South Africa: Social Factors and Theoretical Considerations.

Quintin Andre van Staden, 2021
Universitas Hospital, Bloemfontein, South Africa