Raphael Denis


Raphael is Tanzanian young person advocating for the rights of children and young people. He is currently pursuing his undergraduate degree in development studies. In the past 7 years, he has hold different leadership roles at the national Junior Council (Children’s Parliament) where he has been at the fore-front of advocacy work towards lowering age of HIV testing without parental consent in Tanzania from being 18 to 15 years. In 2018 he addressed to World’s heads of states at the Solutions summit to End violence against children in Stockholm, where he stressed on the need to meaningfully engage young people in fight towards a more just and safer world for all.

Currently, as a member of AFRIYAN Network in Tanzania, he meets and co-creates with young people the youth friendly and informative contents on HIV/AIDS as well as SRHR issues which are then shared as SMS reaching out to thousands of young people across East Africa through the Citizens4Change technology.

He has been acknowledged as this year’s SRHR young advocate by Binti Salha Foundation, leading the policy advocacy in the Tanzania especially on ensuring that girls who get pregnancy while at school get chance to get back to school.

Raphael Denis 2020
AfriYAN / Citizens 4 Change, Tanzania