Raul Andino, PhD


Dr. Andino's research focuses on the biology of RNA viruses, such as enterovirus, arboviruses, and coronaviruses. His contributions have greatly advanced our understanding of virus-host interactions and pathogenesis. His groundbreaking work introduced a new conceptual framework, positing infection as an ongoing process of intrahost virus evolution. This hypothesis fundamentally reshapes how we perceive disease and the spread of epidemics, as viruses swiftly adapt to changes in their host environments. In addition, Dr. Andino's lab made a remarkable discovery of a novel type of immune system in insects, which involves the formation of specific adaptive immunity and memory. They also delved into population dynamics to uncover valuable insights into virus-host interactions, adaptation pathways, and pathogenic potential. Building upon this knowledge, they successfully developed an innovative oral poliovirus vaccine, with over 900 million doses already distributed to 39 countries. Dr. Andino's groundbreaking research transcends boundaries, promoting advancements in virology and public health worldwide.

University of California, San Francisco, United States
University of California, San Francisco, United States