Robin Shattock, PhD


Professor Robin Shattock is the Head of Mucosal Infection and Immunity within the Department of Medicine at Imperial College London. Professor Shattock’s research focuses on the mechanisms of mucosal infection and the development of novel preventative strategies appropriate to a developing world setting. This has led to the establishment of international collaborations aimed at preclinical identification, development and selection of HIV microbicide and vaccine candidates prior to formal clinical efficacy trials.

Professor Shattock oversees a portfolio of research that is supported by 26 members of staff including researchers, PhD students, clinical trial managers and project managers. Professor Shattock has published over 160 peer reviewed articles in this area and secured funding from the European Commission, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, MRC and the NIH.

Shattock, Robin_web
Imperial College London, United Kingdom