Rose N Wafula


Rose N Wafula is the Head of National AIDS and STI Control Program (NASCOP) and lead for the GBV prevention and response component in the World Bank funded Covid-19 Health emergency response project (CHERP) at the MOH. She is a Public health specialist who is passionate about women, young people and children’s health.
She holds bachelors’ degree in medicine and surgery from Moi University - Kenya and Masters of International Public Health from the University of Queensland, Australia.
She has over 17 years’ experience in development, implementing and monitoring of public health policy and programs. She began her carrier at Embu Provincial Hospital after which she proceeded for postgraduate studies in Australia before joining NASCOP. Her previous work in HIV response at NASCOP includes remarkable progress in the elimination of mother to child transmission of HIV (eMTCT) agenda in Kenya through strategic partnership with people living with HIV (PLHIV), Beyond Zero initiative, Counties and Partners. She has worked with UNICEF as an HIV specialist and a great history of collaborating closely in her line of duty with WHO, UNFPA, and UNAIDS PEPFAR, UNITAID, Global Fund, Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and World Bank among others. Recently she had been tasked with leading the MOH Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health and Gender Based violence response. She enjoys networking with other sectors of Government and Civil Society organizations (CSOs) to deliver for women, young people and children.

Rose Wafula
National AIDS & STI Control Programme, Kenya