Roy Montijn, PhD


Dr. Roy Montijn joined TNO in 1996 as a postdoc in molecular biology to work on the production of human T-plasmigen activator using the fungus Aspergillus niger. He then led a group of microbiologists, where he introduced DNA chip technology and molecular biology. The group grew rapidly and was strengthened with the Systems Biology group to form the Department of Microbiology & Systems Biology. The microbial biotechnology division was transferred to the company Dutch DNA Biotech BV. Another part of the knowledge and expertise was housed in the company Biodentify BV. In addition to being the manager of a research group, Montijn had a strong focus on science and innovations. His efforts have led to 53 peer-reviewed papers (montijn r - Search Results - PubMed) and 21 patent applications. The topics range from the development of new antibiotics, new diagnostic methods, microbiome research, to the use of blood pressure-lowering drugs to reduce SarsCov2 infections. The main focus of his current research is on understanding the role of the microbiome in the etiology of chronic diseases. He recently co-authored a review on the role of the microbiota in Long-Covid. (Gut microbe-host interactions in post-COVID syndrome: a debilitating or restorative partnership? - PubMed)

Roy Montijn
TNO Healthy Living, The Netherlands