Sandra Wagner Cardoso, MD, PhD


Sandra Wagner Cardoso, MD, PhD is the research doctor coordinating the Clinical Studies Unit of the HIV/STI Clinical Research Laboratory (LAPCLINAIDS) of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (INI - Fiocruz). She is a professor of the Stricto and lato sensu courses and a Medical residency preceptor. Member of the INI’s Research Ethics Committee since 2017, and the IRB  coordinator since 2022. Member of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group Network (ACTG) were she is a former member of the Antiretroviral Therapy Strategies Subcommittee  and the Viral Hepatitis committee (HEPTSG). Currently she is an elected  member of the ACTG HIV Cure Committee (Cure TSG) were she’s also participating of the Cure Study Monitoring Committee (SMC) through which the Cure TSG monitors the safety and progress of the protocols. She is also a Member of the HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) and  "The Caribbean, Central and South America Network (CCASAnet) which is the epidemiological research network.  She has experience mainly on optimization and complications of Antiretroviral Therapy (ART), ART resistance, ART as Prevention, Intersection of HIV and Chronic-Degenerative Diseases, HIV and Aging,  Co-infections, Clinical Trials, Cohort Studies and other multicenter research protocols.

Wagner, Sandra 2024
Instituto Nacional de Infectologia Evandro Chagas (INI) - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), Brazil