Scholastic Ashaba, MBChB, MMed, PhD


Dr. Ashaba (MBChB, MMed, PhD) is a psychiatrist and a senior lecturer in the department of Psychiatry at Mbarara University of Science and Technology in Mbarara, Uganda.  Dr. Ashaba is clinician with a long-term goal of improving HIV treatment outcomes among adolescents living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa. Her research has focused on psychosocial challenges and psychosocial aspects of care for adolescents living with HIV in Uganda. She has published first-author articles in peer-reviewed journals related to mental health outcomes and HIV stigma and their effect on treatment outcomes among adolescents living with HIV in Uganda. Her recent work funded under Harvard University Center for AIDS Research (P30AI060354) has focused on transition readiness among adolescents and young people living with perinatally acquired HIV aimed at developing a transition readiness scale to aid in the screening of adolescents for readiness before they are transitioned to adult HIV care. Her recent project funded by National Institutes of Health (K43 TW011929) is focusing on self-management among adolescents and young adults living with HIV transitioning to adult HIV care. This study is aimed at developing a self-management intervention to enable adolescents living with HIV to transition successfully to adult HIV care.

Scholastic Ashaba
Mbarara University, Uganda