Simon Cauchemez, PhD


After completing his PhD in 2005 in the INSERM Unit of Alain-Jacques Valleron, Simon Cauchemez worked for 8 years in the Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at Imperial College London. In 2013, he moved back to France to create the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases Unit at Institute Pasteur, that he currently leads.

His main research interest is to develop statistical and mathematical methods to increase our understanding of how pathogens spread in populations, assess the impact of interventions, support policy making and optimize control strategies. His approach is multidisciplinary, looking at infectious diseases through multiple perspectives (epidemiology, statistics, modelling, surveillance, public health, policy making, microbiology), multiple scales (intra-host, person-to-person transmission, spread at the local/national/international level) and multiple data streams (epidemiological, demographic, climatic, genomic, social media). He is a member of the French COVID-19 Scientific Council.

Photo 2_Simon Cauchemez_2022
Pasteur Institute, France