Sirri Cynthia Wakuna Ngang


Sirri Cynthia Wakuna Ngang, a young dynamic gender equality and Sexual and Reproductive Health
Rights activist from Cameroon. Her work on SRHR and HIV is centered on providing comprehensive
Sexual and Reproductive Health education especially for underprivileged girls in the North and South
West Regions of Cameroon.

Starting off as the Adolescent girl’s coordinator at Mother of Hope Cameroon, a women and youth
led organization working on women’s empowerment and SRHR, Cynthia’s commitment and creativity
earned her the current position of programs Director of the organization. In her capacity as programs
director, she initiated the creation of five SRHR and HIV clubs in five secondary schools in her region.
She coordinates and facilitates comprehensive SRHR and HIV education in these clubs. She also
lunched the ‘’Menstrual Hygiene Tour’’ an annual campaign on menstrual hygiene and management
in schools, female prisons, orphanages and rural communities in her region. From 2017 the campaign
has reached over 2000 adolescent girls and young women. She has organizes advocacy missions in
rural communities to combat harmful practices such as female genital mutilation and early marriage
which increase the risk of HIV infections for AGYW.

Cynthia is the HER VOICE FUND Ambassador for Cameroon, a role which permits her to advocate and
lobby for the rights and representation of AGYW –in key decision making spaces and processes. She
has been able to in collaboration with grantees and country lead organize an exchange between AGYW
and key stakeholders in Cameroon to discuss gaps in young women’s representation.

Cynthia, Wakuna 2022
Mother of Hope and Her Voice Fund Ambassador, Cameroon