Stefan Cristian Malciolu, MD


Dr. Stefan Malciolu is a resident doctor specializing in Infectious Diseases at Victor Babes Hospital in Bucharest, Romania. A 2019 graduate of ”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Dr. Malciolu has been rigorously trained under the guidance of Dr. Oprea in the hospital’s HIV ward, where he has gained extensive experience in managing patients with severe forms of the disease.

Dr. Malciolu has a strong academic background, having published several scientific articles in reputable international journals. He has also been actively involved as an investigator in multiple clinical trials, particularly those related to COVID-19. His professional interests are centered around HIV and Tropical Diseases, areas in which he further honed his expertise during an internship at Coast General Hospital in Kenya.

Stefan Cristian Malciolu
Victor Babes Infectious and Tropical Diseases Hospital, Bucharest, Romania