Terry Segal, MBChB, MRCP, MRCPCH


Dr Terry Segal has been a consultant in general paediatrics, paediatric and adolescent endocrinology and adolescent medicine at University College Hospital London ( UCLH) since 2007. She trained in Bristol and London. She is Clinical Lead for adolescent specialties at UCLH, and Co Leads Transition and developmentally appropriate healthcare for UCLH and NTPN North Thames Paediatric Network. 

She was convenor of YPHSIG ( Young persons health special interest group) 2018-2021 and enjoys working with others around the country to raise the voices speaking out with and for adolescents to improve their health. 

She is co-lead of the Pan London Post COVID service, set up at speed in relation to demand and the largest in the country, and the service has assessed more than 300 children and young people. She is particularly interested in working with young people with complex problems such as ME/CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, persistent physical symptoms, and those with chronic pain and emotional difficulties. She is passionate about improving young peoples physical and mental health, and really enjoys working in a multidisciplinary team. She is asked to lecture widely and has published  more than 20 articles in peer- reviewed journals in the areas of Post COVID syndrome, ME/CFS, adolescent written and clinical communication, HEADDSS psychosocial interview, obesity, pubertal delay, CFS and acne. She has co organised several successful adolescent conferences.  

Segal, Terry 2023
University College Hospital London, United Kingdom