Emojel Trevor is the reigning Y Plus King Uganda, a young leader openly living with HIV, under the Uganda Network of Young People living with HIV, using his status to challenge HIV stigma and discrimination that still heavily plagues the Ugandan population.
Trevor is also the Country Youth Coordinator AHF Uganda Cares, one of Uganda’s largest HIVAIDS organizations, spearheading design, planning and implementation of the country’s youth HIV prevention and advocacy programs and projects. Trevor uses his national platform and Y Plus roles to inspire and mentor young people into leadership to strengthen their agency to advocate for their rights and needs. He also represents young positive voices on panels and high-level meetings to ensure young people participate and have a seat at the table. He is passionate, and has spoken on national and global stages, notably, at the Women Deliver conference in Kigali.
Emojel Trevor casually loves to use poetry and dance to inspire fellow young people living with HIV to express their true selves, identity and celebrate their beauty. The quest to end AIDS lies central to his purpose in life.