Vu Quoc Dat, MD, PhD


Dr Vu Quoc Dat is an infectious disease physician and lecturer at the Department of Infectious Diseases, Hanoi Medical University. He completed the Career Development Fellowship with the WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases and undertook his PhD training at the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit in Vietnam. He has expertise in clinical management of severe or life-threatening infections, zoonotic diseases, and emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases in resource-constrained settings. His research interests focus on interventions to emerging health issues related to infectious diseases, particularly in HIV and HIV associated opportunistic infections. He led the larges study of cryptococcal diseases in Vietnam and national representative surveys of HIV drug resistance. He led the Vietnam national guideline session for the management of opportunistic infections in patients with HIV. He served as a member of the national technical working groups for the development of national guidelines for the management of infectious diseases.

Vu Quoc Dat 2022
Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam