Xavier Hospital, PhD


Xavier Hospital is Regional Advisor on Education for Health and Wellbeing at the UNESCO office in Dakar, where he coordinates programmes on comprehensive sexuality education, and healthy, safe and inclusive school environments in West and Central Africa (WCA). He is the major contributor to the development of tools to analyse and visually represent complex education programmes: Analysis and Imaging of Education Response to School-related gender based violence (2017, 2021), Sexuality Education Review and Assessment Tool (2012, 2020) and, in collaboration with the International Planned Parenthood Federation, Inside & Out (2013). Xavier has been working for more than 15 years in WCA for international NGOs and UNESCO, as country coordinator, consultant or regional monitoring and evaluation coordinator. His work mainly focused on capacity building of education authorities, strengthening multisector national and regional platforms, and creating an enabling environment for the implementation of education programmes on sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing. He holds a PhD in Social Psychology from the University of Montpellier, and studied or lectured at the universities of Lille, Manchester and Lisbon, developing an expertise in conflict negotiation, decision-making and research methods in social and behavioural sciences.

Hospital, Xavier 2022
UNESCO, Senegal