Angela Colbers, PhD


Angela Colbers is a senior researcher at the Pharmacy of the Radboud university medical center in Nijmegen, The Netherlands since 2008. She studied biomedical health sciences at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, and graduated in ‘toxicology’ in 1995. She worked as a research associate at the pharmaceutical company NV Organon in Oss, as project manager at a contract research organization: Farma Research BV and as Regulatory Affairs and Project Manager of pre-clinical studies at NOTOX BV in ‘s Hertogenbosch. In 2015 she obtained her doctorate on the thesis entitled: “Exposure to antiretroviral agents in HIV-infected pregnant women: not too much - not too little”, which was rewarded with the "Ph.D. award 2015 for the best thesis" by the Radboud Institute for Health Sciences. She coordinates the PANNA-network, a European network studying the pharmacokinetics of antiretroviral agents in HIV-infected pregnant women. She co-authored the module on pregnancy in the “WHO Toolkit for research and development of paediatric antiretroviral drugs and formulations”. She co-organized two workshops: “Approaches to Optimize and Accelerate Pharmacology Studies in Pregnant and Lactating Women”, Washington, 2019 and “Approaches to Enhance and Accelerate the study of New Drugs for HIV and Associated Infections in Pregnant Women” virtual, December 2020 (with WHO and IMPAACT). Angela is co-chair of the Pediatric Antiretroviral Working Group and a member of the HIV, Hepatitis and STIs Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Therapeutics Working Group (WHO advisory groups).

Angela Colbers
Radboudumc, the Netherlands