Benjamin La Brot, MD


Dr. Benjamin LaBrot is a primary care physician who attended the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland and worked as a hospitalist until founding the Floating Doctors humanitarian medical aid organization in 2009, subsequently practicing for over ten years in remote, rural underserved settings in Haiti, Honduras and Panama. Dr. LaBrot is also a clinical professor teaching Palliative Care, Malaria, and International Aid Work at USC Keck School of Medicine, and the Global Medical Affairs Manager for Infection and Immunity (HIV & HXV) at Roche Molecular Diagnostics--still continuing to explore better solutions for closing health access gaps in underserved settings. 

Dr. LaBrot partners across businesses to address barriers to quality, equitable healthcare access and is a core member of the Roche Molecular Diagnostics Global Access Community of Practice, a Mindfulness facilitator and marketing manager, and a Mental Health Champion. Dr. LaBrot analyzes problems and builds close relationships with stakeholders to develop solutions to improve LMIC diagnostics. He is tirelessly passionate about the mission to enable personalization of healthcare and put each patient at the center of their health management.

La Brot, Benjamin 2022
Roche Molecular Systems, Inc., United States