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50% Adherence is enough with modern ARVS, right - Terrence Blaschke, MD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
The ‘third wave’ of TB drug development what’s on the horizon (for patients with or without HIV) - Kelly Dooley, MD, PhD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
Efavirenz pharmacokinetics in HIV/TB coinfected persons initiating ART while receiving high dose rifapentine - Anthony Podany, PharmD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
In silico design of a microarray patch as a multipurpose prevention technology - Rajith Rajoli
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
The initial Phase 1 evaluation of the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of GSK3640254 - Samit Joshi, MD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
Novel antiviral and immune targets to cure HBV - Fabien Zoulim, MD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
Improved long acting drug delivery: What are the technologies - Andrew Owen, BSc, MSc, PhD, FSB
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
Long acting HIV drugs for treatment: Data and potential implementation - Charles Flexner, MD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
Long Acting HIV Drugs for Prevention: Data and Potential implementation - Laura Waters, MD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
Clinical Case Presentation - Catia Marzolini, PharmD, PhD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
Changes in drug interaction profiles for first-line HIV therapy over the 20 years of the Liverpool Drug Interaction website - Sara Gibbons
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
Effect of CYP2b6 metabolizer status on levonorgestrel pharmacokinetics when combined with efavirenz-based antiretroviral therapy - Michelle Pham
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
Drugs abuse and chemsex a new challenge for antiretroviral drug-drug interaction - Tess Martin
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
Dual Maintenance for HIV: Con Perspective - Andrew Hill, MD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
Dual Maintenance for HIV: Pro Perspective - José Ramón Arribas, MD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
Introduction of Simplification- Jordan Feld, MD, MPH
Presented at:
International Viral Hepatitis Elimination Meeting (IVHEM) 2019
WHO / Perspective on the Simplification Strategies- Philippa Easterbrook, MD, FRCP, MPH, DTM&H
Presented at:
International Viral Hepatitis Elimination Meeting (IVHEM) 2019
WHA / Community Perspective on the Need for Simplification- Michael Ninburg
Presented at:
International Viral Hepatitis Elimination Meeting (IVHEM) 2019
Canada’s Experience with Needle Exchange Programs- Mark Tyndall, MD, ScD, FRCPC
Presented at:
International Viral Hepatitis Elimination Meeting (IVHEM) 2019
Monitoring and Testing, Introductory Lecture- Manal El-Sayed, MD, PhD
Presented at:
International Viral Hepatitis Elimination Meeting (IVHEM) 2019
Uganda’s Experience- Kenneth Kabagambe
Presented at:
International Viral Hepatitis Elimination Meeting (IVHEM) 2019
Use of the HBV Viral Load Medical Prescription as a Preliminary Assessment of HBV Infection Burden in New Caledonia: a 2014-2019 Retrospective Study- P. Dény
Presented at:
International Viral Hepatitis Elimination Meeting (IVHEM) 2019
Mortality from Liver Diseases Associated with Hepatitis B and C in the EU/EEA – Descriptive Analysis and Estimation of 2015 Baseline- O. Mårdh
Presented at:
International Viral Hepatitis Elimination Meeting (IVHEM) 2019
The Uptake of an Innovative Approach to Reduce HCV Transmission among MSM: the NoMoreC Project- T. Prinsenberg
Presented at:
International Viral Hepatitis Elimination Meeting (IVHEM) 2019