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The SWORD study | Chien-Ching Hung, MD, PhD
Presented at:
APACC 2017
Community Perspective | Martin Choo, MMedSc
Presented at:
APACC 2017
Gilead: RSV | Erik Mogalian
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2017
Janssen: Influenza | Thomas Kakuda, PharmD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2017
Merck: CMV | Cyrus Badshah, MD, PhD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2017
Con Standpoint | Jürgen Rockstroh, MD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2017
Pro Standpoint | Nancy Reau, MD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2017
Long Acting Antivirals: Advanced drug delivery | Mark Milad, PharmD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2017
DDI’s in Aging HCV infected Patients | Elise Smolders, MSc
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2017
FDA perspective | Kellie Reynolds, PharmD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2017
HBV therapy & Approaches to Cure | Jordan Feld, MD, MPH
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2017
Clinical Aspects of Pediatric Treatment | Tim Cressey, PhD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2017
Current Challenges in Pediatric Drug Development | Robert Ward, MD, FAAP, FCP
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2017
Current and Future Treatment of CMV | Robin Avery, MD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2017
Effect of antiviral therapy on liver fibrosis in patients with CHC | Dr. JiDong Jia
Presented at:
Asian Conference on Hepatitis and AIDS (ACHA) 2016