Catarina Esteves Santos, Rn


Since 2005, Catarina has been working in Cascais in the HIV Unit clinic of Cascais Hospital.

She has authored and co-authored several scientific documents, trainered and lecturered in various courses and events in the area of Nursing and HIV in adults, aging with HIV, and Paediatrics - including for the Portuguese Council of Nurses. She has also, on several occasions, consulted for the Pharmaceutical Industry.

Since 2007, Catarina has held the position of Commissary for the European HIV Nursing Networking (EHNN and has brought together a group of expert nurses in HIV healthcare to standardise and value the nursing role. Since 2018, she has been integrated onto the executive board of the Portuguese Association for the Study of AIDS.

Catarina Esteves Santos
Hospital De Cascais Dr. José De Almeida, Portugal