Cielo Yaneth Ríos Hincapié, MD


Dr. Cielo Ríos is a medical doctor, magister in public health from the London University and magister on HIV from the Rey Juan Carlos University. She worked for 8 years with Medicins Sans Frontieres in Colombia, Angola and Zimbabwe on response to emergencies, basic health care and HIV projects, and two years with CDC in Zimbabwe on monitoring and evaluation and TB/HIV coinfection. Since 2013, she works at the Ministry of Health and Social Protection in Colombia on HIV, TB/HIV, STIs and viral hepatitis.

Along these years, Dr. Ríos has lead the implementation of the Colombian National Hepatitis Plan, adoption of clinical guidelines, expansión of hepatitis B vaccination to key populations, investment cases for hepatitis elimination and development of education tools for patients and health care professionals, among others.

Hincapie, Cielo Yaneth Rios 2022
Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Colombia