Etienne Chatelut, PharmD, PhD


Pharmaceutical study at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Limoges, Internship in Toulouse (CHU and Institut Claudius-Regaud), Ph.D. (Université Paul-Sabatier, Pharmacology, 1991), Post-Doc at the University of San Diego  California (UCSD) (1991-1992).


Professor of Pharmacology at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Toulouse, Head  of Pharmacology Lab of the “Laboratoire de Biologie Médicale Oncologique” at the  “Institut Universitaire du Cancer Toulouse - Oncopole”

Head of Team 14 « Dose Individualisation of Anticancer Drugs » of the « Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Toulouse » (CRCT INSERM)

Editor de Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology (since September 2016)

Member of the Committee Board of the PAMM (Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanisms of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer) and of the “Oncology Committee Board”of the International Association of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology

Co-author of 174 publications

Etienne Chatelut
Institut Universitaire du Cancer Toulouse - Oncopole, France